November 8, 2023 Newsletter
Oaklawn Elementary School
School Hours: 7:40am - 2:45pm
Lunch Times:
- 2nd & 5th 11:00-11:45am
- KG & 4th 11:30am-12:15pm
- 1st & 3rd 12:05-12:50pm
Future Dates
(Link to Website Calendar)
Nov. 8 - Picture Re-Take day - Info below
Nov. 9 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm
Nov. 10 - No School
Nov. 13 - PTO Meeting, 6pm (Virtual links are below)
Nov. 13 - Oaklawn clothing orders due! (order form)
Nov. 14 - 4th Grade Field Trip, AM
- Alberta Kimball Aud. @ West High
Nov. 14 - Winter Concert Gr. 1 & 2
- 6:30pm - Alberta Kimball Aud. @ West High
Nov. 18 - Oaklawn Family HERD night, 7pm (Link)
Nov. 20 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 3-6pm (Link)
Nov. 22-24 - No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 28 - Mrs. Hendricks Field Trip, PM
- Oshkosh Public Museum
Nov. 29 - Ms. Lukashewich Field Trip, PM
- Oshkosh Public Museum
Nov. 30 - Ms. Guesneau Field Trip, PM
- Oshkosh Public Museum
Dec. 5 - K-Kids Meeting, 3:00pm
Dec. 8 - No School
Dec. 12 - Ms. Lukashewich Field Trip, AM
- Paine Art Center
Dec. 13 - Ms. Guesneau Field Trip, AM
- Paine Art Center
Dec. 13 - Ms. Lukashewich Field Trip, PM
- Paine Art Center
Dec. 18 - PTO Winter Literacy Night, 5:30pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 1 - No School Winter Break!
Student Pictures
Click on this link for ordering instructions
Picture Re-Take day is November 8. Students who had their pictures taken will be getting either the package they ordered or an information sheet that has a student specific ordering code on it to purchase. We should be getting them in a couple of weeks and will send them home with the students. If you want your child to have their picture taken on November 8th you need to let your child's teacher OR the office know. That way we can make sure they get them taken.
The link will no longer work so you will have to wait until the information sheets get returned so you can use the code to order them.
Food Service News
are available online on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Look under the "More" tab in the menu and look for "Meal Benefits". Forms were also mailed out in the US mail to all households in mid-July. Please return your completed application to the Food Services Office, Oshkosh West High School, 375 N. Eagle St., Oshkosh, WI 54902, or the Elementary School Office your child attends on or before the first day of school.
HAVE LUNCH WITH YOUR CHILD All Elementary Schools and the Food Services Department invites parents of school-age children to have lunch with their child any school day. Please let the school office know in advance so we can make sure a lunch gets ordered for you. You may bring money with you to pay for the meal or the adult lunch can be charged to your students Food Service Account.
The food service department is seeking individuals to work for our department serving breakfast and / or lunch. The majority of these positions available are 1.5 - 2 hours in length and are during the breakfast and lunch service time, which varies with the school. Opportunities for longer shifts and additional hours may also be available. Please see the WECAN at website for employment opportunities along with applying for positions within the Food Service Department.
Recess Milk - Negative Food Service Balance
Reminder to families-We have had some families question why their child's balance is negative. Lunch and Breakfast are free to all students. This means an entire meal, not just a milk. If your family qualifies for the free/reduced meals program then your child can also have a free recess milk. If you do not qualify recess milk is 40¢ a day. When you log into your parent portal the home page shows your child's Food Service Balance. Please make sure you are putting money in this account so your child can have recess milk.
IMPORTANT-This balance will follow your child from school to school so any positive (or negative) balances will move on to middle and high school. If you have questions or concerns please call the office.
Upcoming Field Trips
Tuesday, November 14 our 4th graders are going to a Symphony Sound presentation at Oshkosh West High School, and November 28-30 our 3rd grade classrooms will be going to the Oshkosh Public Museum. Please see the information teachers have sent home for more details.
Please log into your parent portal and sign the permission slip for your student’s field trip in the School Store. Be sure you are putting the field trip into your cart and checking out fully, even when the field trip is $0.00. Without “purchasing” the trip, your child will not be considered as signed up.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s teachers.
Late to school?
If your child is late to school, more than 10 minutes, they are considered absent....NOT tardy. If your child is marked absent you need to contact the school office to make the absence excused. Even if your child is only 15 minutes late to school, 5 Unexcused absences is considered Habitual Truant.
Elementary School Attendance Expectations
- Elementary school day runs from 7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
- Supervision starts on the playground at 7:30 a.m.
- Students line up with their classrooms at 7:40 a.m.
- Students are expected to be in their seats at 7:45 a.m.
- 7:45-7:55 is tardy, anything 7:56 and beyond is unexcused unless a parent contacts the office to excuse the absence.
Winter Concert
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Link to sign up:
Our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are only 2 weeks away. They will be held on November 9th and November 13th from 3:00-6:00pm. Again we will be using the PTCFast system to sign families up for dates and times. Please check your email for the invitation and directions.
Oaklawn Clothing Orders
Weather-Your Child Needs A Coat
Please make sure that your child has a coat everyday at school. All students will be outside for recess unless it is raining or the temperature is below 10 degrees. If you are in need of winter gear, please contact the school office. We do have resources to get winter clothing for families who are in need.
It is also a good idea to have an extra change of clothes in your child's locker just in case! Mud outside, bathroom accidents, etc.
Fun Things We Do At Oaklawn!
Check out the Oaklawn School Facebook Page for more pictures!
Thank you Martial Arts America for coming in to do a Character School class for all 3 kindergarten classes! We learned about respect, patience, and self control.
All 2nd grade students in Oshkosh learn swim safety at the YMCA.
Our 1st and 2nd grade students are working hard on being safe on the risers for the Winter Concert.
PTO Meeting (Virtual) - Google Meet Info
November 13, 2023, 6pm
February 4, 2024, 6pm
April 8, 2024, 6pm
PTO 2023-24 Events
- Licorice Fundraiser - September
- Culver's Dine and Donate - September 25
- Fall Book Fair - October 16-20
- McTeacher Night - Dine and Donate - October 23
- Halloween Dance - October 26
- Oaklawn Family Night with The Herd - November 18
- Santa Literacy Night - December 18
- Candy Bar Fundraiser - January
- Movie Night - February 8
- Kringle Fundraiser - February
- Spring Book Fair and Literacy Night - April 22-26
- Teacher Appreciation - May 6-10
- Dig in for Donuts - May 17
- Kona Ice Celebration - Last day of school
2022-2023 PTO Leadership Team
Co-Chairman - Cassandra Running
Co-Chairman - Samm Pamperin
Scott Johanknecht - Principal 920-424-0170 or
Facebook Page: