Newsletter May 16, 2022
School Hours: 7:40am - 2:45pm
School Year Calendar 22-23 School Year Calendar
Lunch Menus - May/June Lunch May/June Breakfast May/June Picture Menu
Future Dates
May 16
- 5th Grade Leadership Academy Field Trip
May 16 - 20
- 4th Grade Human Growth and Development Sessions
May 20
- All school library books are due back today!
- 4th Grade Leadership Academy Field Trip
- 5th Grade Orientation at Merrill Middle School
May 24
- PTO Meeting - Election of Officers for 2022-2023, 6pm
May 26
- Field Day Grades (K-2 8:30-10:30am) (Grades 3-5 12:15-2:15pm)
May 27
- 1st Grade Field Trip-Mulberry Lane Farms,8:30am-2:00pm
- 2nd Grade Field Trip N.E.W. Zoo - 8:00am-2:15pm
- 5th Grade Promotion, 1:30pm (5th Grade Students must attend all day to participate)
May 30
- No School -Memorial Day
May 31
- 3rd Grade Field Trip-Bubolz Nature Preserve, 8:30am- 2:15pm.
June 1
- Yearbooks handed out to those who ordered them
June 2
- Last Day of School
- PTO Kona Ice Celebration, 1-4pm
Covid Protocols-Still Current
The school district still is using Covid-19 protocols.
Students will be sent home/excluded from in-person instruction if they have the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
New loss of taste or smell
At least two or more of the following symptoms:
Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher *
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
*Vomiting, diarrhea, and fever as a single symptom should still exclude a child from school. However, each of these as a single symptom do not necessarily indicate the need to test for COVID-19 or for COVID-19 isolation.
Medications at School
This past school year if your child received medication or had medication here as needed during school hours please note: All medications are to be picked up by a parent/guardian on or before the last day of school – June 2nd 2022. Our policy will not allow us to send medications home with students or to keep them for the next school year. If you need to make other arrangements please contact the health office.
If you know your student will need medication next school year, we are asking you to obtain an order from your doctor/nurse practitioner this summer BEFORE the start of the next school year. You can find all health office forms online at:
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office at 424-0170 ext: 4342. OR email us at:
Lauren Winter LPN-
Heather Epley RN-
Oaklawn Elementary Health Services
Coats are Required under 60 degrees!
Cold Weather Gear/Spring Mud
Students at Oaklawn are required to wear a coat/jacket outside for recess if the tempature outside is less than 60 degrees. We have many students in the morning on the playground without a coat. It is only 40 degrees some mornings! Please make sure your child is dressed for outdoor recess every day.
Every other day will be spring thaw and mud will be everywhere.
Keep Contacting the School
The OASD still has COVID-19 protocols in place.
In an effort to continue to track symptomatic students, return dates to school, and Covid-19 cases, we kindly ask that you continue to notify your school nurse when your child has symptoms, has tested positive for Covid-19, or has been a close contact to someone that has tested positive for Covid-19. Please call 920-509-0586 or email lauren.trumbo@oshkosh.k12.
Thank you.
PTO Meeting (Virtual)
Oaklawn PTO Meeting #4 Officer Elections
Tuesday, May 24 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 605-937-6097 PIN: 680 104 493#
More phone numbers:
September 9, 2021 Minutes 9/9/2021
December 16, 2021 Agenda Minutes 12/16/2021
March 15, 2022 Minutes 3/15/2022
May 24, 2022 Election of Officers
2021-2022 PTO Leadership Team
President/Vice-President: Beth Kimballl
Treasurer: Samm Pamperin
Secretary: Jennifer Greenfield
Mr. Scott J: Principal 920-424-0170 or
Facebook Page: